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University Ave NE Improvements Meeting

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About this project (from MnDOT)

We are working to make University Ave. N.E. (Hwy 47) from Central Ave. S.E. (Hwy 65) to 27th Ave. N.E. in Minneapolis safer and easier to use. We want to make sure everyone can use University Ave. safely and comfortably, whether they walk, roll, ride a bike, use public transit, or drive a car or truck.

In spring and summer 2024, we heard input from more than 2,000 people about proposed changes. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback! You can review what we heard on the community engagement webpage.

Based on this input, we are finalizing plans for the University Ave. N.E. redesign. We plan to share a refined design layout with the community this fall.

Once finalized, MnDOT and local partners will seek funding to make road improvements. This project is currently planned for 2027, with potential utility work in 2026.


We developed the initial proposed changes based on recent studies of the area. This includes the Hwy 47/Hwy 65 Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study.

Summary of work

  • Repave University Ave. between Central Ave. and just south of 27th Ave. NE

  • Update sidewalks, intersections and crossings to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

  • Repair drainage

  • Other improvements to be developed during the project’s public engagement and design process

  • Remove guardrail


Other Public meetings and events

Information about upcoming meetings will be posted as details become available. Sign up for emails on this project to stay informed about upcoming meetings and opportunities to provide feedback.

In-person public meeting
Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 4 - 6 pm
East Side Neighborhood Services
1700 2nd Street NE

January 30

Black Europe Film Festival

February 3

Nicollet Island/East Bank Business Forum