Como Environment Team


The Como Environment Team is empowered to develop plans and opportunities to engage and educate the SE Como community and others around environmental challenges of sustainability, green spaces, people/pollinators/wildlife habitat, clean air and water, and other environmental issues.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Identify and support potential programs, services, campaigns, or events that can help raise community environmental awareness and educate both our members and the community

  • Respond to environmental issues within the community

  • Provide general oversight and support of SE Como community gardens

  • Sponsor grant applications to support proposed new or old Environment Committee programs

Meeting schedule (regular date, time, place)

Fourth Tuesday of each month, 6 – 7:30 pm, Van Cleve Park (901 15th Avenue SE). The Como Environment Team may schedule some meetings away from the park but within the neighborhood. Zoom meetings may be scheduled because of weather or health issues.

Other Details

  • Most decisions are made by consensus during meetings. If there is a disagreement, a vote can be taken to resolve

  • No quorum is required to pass motions or resolutions

  • The chair or co-chairs are elected by the Como Environment Team and ratified by the EBNP’s Board (or Board president) for an indefinite term length until new chair(s) are elected and ratified.

  • The Chair(s) conducts the meeting using common sense and courtesy and generally following an agenda; Roberts Rules of Order do not come into play unless there is a need to facilitate a vote.

  • For communications, unless there are unforeseen events, an agenda is distributed to known members and interested parties, the email list, and scheduled guests before scheduled meetings. Minutes are taken during the meeting and are posted within a reasonable time on the EBNP website (below).

  • The Como Environment Team reports to the EBNP Board when appropriate, most notably in the matter of organizational expense.. The Community Garden leads report to the Environment Team along with any working groups within the team’s purview.

Additional Background

The Como Environment Team has a long history of leading edge community projects such as the air pollution prevention project, Move In Move Out (our neighborhood recycling project), Solar pilot project, rain barrel building, rain gardens, community gardens, TCE advocacy and urban forestry.

The EBNP calendar has the most updated information.

Co-Chairs: Kathy Knudson and Peggy Booth

If you would like to reach out to the Como Environment Team, please fill out this form. They will get back to you shortly.

