Immigration Defense Resources
Know Your Rights Resources:
Know your rights with ICE booklets
Has printable multilingual fliers pertaining to “know your rights,” home raid response, guidelines for documenting ICE, car stop response, and common ICE ruses.
Printable “know your rights” cards
Has small, printable “know your rights” card in several languages including Spanish and Hmong.
Know Your Rights Trifold (MIRAC)
Family Preparedness Resources:
Step-by-step Family Preparedness Plan
Available in English & Spanish, this resource provides guidelines for developing a family plan including childcare options, document gathering, immigration options, and know your rights information.
Know Your Rights in the Workplace Resources:
Guide for employers if ICE comes to your business
Has information about how to prepare, respond to, and protect employees before, during, and after an encounter with ICE.
Know Your Rights in the Workplace
Know your rights toolkit for workers who may encounter ICE at their workplace.
Policy Tracking:
Immigration Policy Tracking Project
Compiles, summarizes, and regularly updates information on immigration policy changes from the Trump Administration.
Local Organization Resources:
MN Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) Resource Guide
Provides anti-deportation resources, immigration case information, anti-deportation preparation documents, DACA & TPS resources, food resources, housing resources, and other links to community organizations.
MIRAC Deportation Defense
Contact us to see if we can assist you or someone you know who is detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Leave a voicemail at 612-888-6472 (612-888-MIRA)
Interfaith Coalition on Immigration - Accompanying Immigrants in Detention (ICOM AID)
The Accompanying Immigrants in Detention (AID) program enables ICOM volunteers to directly support immigrant detainees and their families who live in the Twin Cities area. They accompany individuals in immigration detention and their families, provide emotional and financial support and help make connections to resources.
Leave a voicemail at 612-217-1185
City of Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs website
Provides “know your rights” resources, immigration information, social service links, and events information.