Traffic safety camera pilot overview
Minneapolis is working to start a pilot for traffic safety cameras. The pilot will launch as early as August 2025. Camera enforcement is proven effective at saving lives and reducing crashes and is one part of the City's Vision Zero traffic safety work.
The cameras will provide automated enforcement of speed limits starting at about five locations. The City plans to run the pilot program through July 2029. The City may expand up to a max of 42 camera locations. The program may also expand to include enforcement of red lights.
The pilot is the result of legislation from the state of Minnesota. The new law addresses issues of fairness, equity, privacy, and trust.
Additional details on the traffic safety camera pilot are available here.
Potential camera locations
State law requires that cameras must be:
Located within 2,000 feet of a school;
At locations with a traffic safety concern;
Distributed fairly throughout the city; and
Identified in a study that considers community feedback, crashes, vehicle speeds, equity, and other potential safety treatments.
Minneapolis Public Works has identified an initial list of 51 potential camera locations that meet the criteria in state law. We will use community feedback to help determine the initial locations and potential future locations. Currently, only locations on streets under the City's jurisdiction are being considered. Locations on County or MnDOT streets may be considered in the future.
A map of potential camera locations is available here.
Open houses to learn more and share feedback on camera locations
The City will share more details around the traffic safety camera pilot and get feedback on potential camera locations at two upcoming open houses:
In-person open house: Tuesday, February 25 from 4:00-6:00pm
Minneapolis Central Library, Doty Room (2nd floor up the escalator), 300 Nicollet Mall (map)
There will be a presentation at 4:30pm with information boards, feedback activities, and opportunity to ask questions.
Online open house: Thursday, February 27 at 6:00pm
There will be a presentation followed by moderated question and answer session and opportunity to share written feedback. A recording of the online open house will be available afterwards.
Future feedback opportunities
The City will be gathering feedback on potential camera locations through mid-May. An online survey option will be available soon and the City will be engaging at other events and activities in the upcoming months.
Opportunity for community group presentation on the traffic safety camera pilot
The City is working to reach community members with information on the traffic safety camera pilot. If you are part of a community group and would like to request a presentation on the traffic safety camera pilot, please complete this quick form.
Staff will try to accommodate all requests, but may need to prioritize based on equity, group size, and connection to areas of the city with more candidate locations for traffic safety cameras.